
5G Technology and India


The term 5G is making a buzz over the last few years. In many countries the initial phase of 5G deployment is going on. 5G is the 5th Generation of the wireless data networks and will be improved far more than 4G or 3G ever enables the gates for smartphones, smart homes, cars and the city or town around the world. Downloads and streaming should happen literally without delay. 5G shows its potential by 3 abilities:

1. High bandwidth

First high bandwidth 4G could only muster about 200 megabits per second of data throughout. 5G can handle up to 1 gigabit or more, which is a thousand megabits a second.

2. Low latency

Lower latency is the measure of tiny delay that occurs when data is sent or received by a device. 5G will drastically reduce this delay and bring benefits such as enabling driverless cars to make near instantaneous decisions and communicate with surrounding infrastructure. 4G suffers from around a hundred milliseconds or 50 in response delay or latency. 5G reaction time can be as low as 1 millisecond which makes everything happen virtually and instantly.

3. Dense connections

4G could only manage to connect about 1/10 of the amount of devices whereas 5G can connect wider. 5G will have a broad area in the frequency spectrum that will ensure no network congestion. In addition, it will ensure connectivity to a full circle i.e., everything is connected to every other thing.

5G is more than high speed internet. 5G uses new radio technology where part of any wireless devices makes a connection. In many aspects 5G is different from the previous generations. Each generation experiences a revolution and will be upgraded while jumping from one generation to another generation. It also increases energy efficiency and offers more stable connection networks.

Future of 5G in India

India is now in the midst of preparing the progress for 5G networks. Reliance jio claims to have developed a complete 5th generation mobile network solution. The 5G network is already available in countries like the USA, UK, South Korea and Germany. But India is yet to auction its 5G spectrum.10% of all the phones which are yet to be produced will be a 5G phone in India, which showcases without a doubt that India is ready to experience the power of 5G network. 5G not only opens the door to the consumers but is also a benefit for businesses, creators etc…

There will be a massive amount of connectivity that’s going on and so a reliable and fast infrastructure is needed to handle all of that and that’s where 5G comes in. Unlike 3G and 4G which largely offers improvements in data transfer speed on smartphones, 5G will allow a universe of connected devices to interact with each other. 


Being organized can convert a daunting obstacle into an opportunity. The opportunity is not just for jio, because of heavily growing software components a lot of companies are offering the whole or parts of the telecommunication equipment. The world is preparing for the mass rollouts of 5G networks while the deployment of 5G requires financial investment gearing up with technology will also bring long term returns.

Taking a glance on the business sector, 5G makes it faster and cheaper too. Whereas operators can never seize a huge business opportunity ahead through in cooperation and innovation.

The biggest revenue opportunities are seen mainly on commercial purposes. Smartphones with immersive experience of Augmented Reality video, Virtual Reality video which obviously have driven 4G network utilization

In the industries 5G is found as a key unlocking technology for the vision of the future of factories. Currently factories are still rather static. There are wide rooms for 5G here to make them flexible and mobile with the help of robotics and so on. 5G can automate the robots and move across the factory floor which makes the work much faster and easier.

Start-ups For sectors

5G is no more a fantasy played out in the mindsets of optimistic futurists.  5G would also revolutionize business landscapes and networks, other than driverless vehicles, smart healthcare, smart agriculture, smart transportation, etc.

Medical field: 5G is found to be a benefit to this sector because the medical representatives can conduct their treatments with the help of a network. Sophisticated surgeries can be performed by controlling devices that are in a totally different place. In short remote surgeries can be conducted with the service of 5G.

Automation industries: Helpful in the automation industries where fast machine to machine communication and ultrasound communication is very critical, this avoids system failure as well as loss of life.

Farming: agriculture solutions that use sensors to collect data to help farmers make informed decisions on harvest timings, pesticides use and soil treatment to grow quality crops.

Entertainment: There’s nothing more thrilling to watch shows with a virtual reality. Technology means there is a chance that people will still be able to get close to the action. There is this opportunity to engage and immerse in such a viewing experience in a very different way. All these entertainments will be powered by the new technology of 5G network.

Traffic signals: 5G sensors can be installed on traffic lights will be able to share continuous data about traffic volumes which will help in reducing the motorists waiting at traffic lights


1. More agile: 5G will be more responsive than 4G which means it can reverse the band width for critical services helping to ensure connections where we need them the most

2. Added security: 5G will also be more secure so that it can power advanced security applications

3. Enhance reliability: 5G has less interrupted connection as due to the network configuration it can process data more effectively therefore enabling enhanced reliability.

4.Telemediciene: There isn’t a need to go to the doctor for your treatments. Skip the trip to the doctor with 5G enabled telemedicine conferencing in real-time. Whatever a doctor or nurse does, from taking vital signs to even making a diagnosis, can be attained through telemedicine. Patients can save their precious time,money and be sooner with 5G technology.

5. peer to Peer communication: 5G allows Peer to Peer (P2P) communication and  eliminates the servers around. It is easily capable of transferring data between the devices within a time taken for the blink of an eye.

6. Better gaming experience :Other than the 4G networks, 5G provides a platform for good quality gaming experience in the gaming sector which is a visual treat for the gamers around 


5G is yet another way to unlock things that cannot be imagined and which is ahead to fuel the next generation of innovations. Future growth is going to come from applications and services based on technology such as Internet of Things, automation and Artificial Intelligence. A timely rollout of 5G will allow Indian entrepreneurs a chance to experiment alongside their global competitors.

To realize its full potential 5G should be brought to the platform, to design 5G into the fabric of our cities now to ensure that everyone can reap the benefits of a true mobile world and to secure a future as a digital leader.


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